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Weekly Newsletter September 28, 2021

September 28, 2021

UPCOMING EVENTS Check out the PTA calendar for more events and details

  • Sept 28th & 29th: Middle School Enrollment Policy Town Halls

  • Oct 8th: End of the First Quarter

  • Oct 11: Indigenous Peoples' Day (No School for Students)

  • Oct 12th: Parent Ed 7pm


  • Yearbook Distribution

  • Jazz Band

  • Art Class Seeking Recycled Items

  • COVID Testing

  • Infinite Campus FAQ

  • Family Engagement Seminar Series


  • Campus Portal Address

  • BUSD Ed Hub Info Click Here

  • COVID Testing

  • Berkeley Unified School District COVID-19 Safety Plan 2021-2022 School Year

  • BUSD Calendar Click Here


The Jr. Jazz Band is starting this week! All students grades 6-8 new to Jazz, are welcome to join. They meet Mondays in the A1 Band Room, and Thursdays on the Stage from 3:15-4pm. Come learn a new style with fun popular music! Bring your instrument, folder, and pencil. Kind Regards, Kimberly Ransom

Share Your Ideas at Middle School Enrollment Policy Community Town Halls September 28, 29 The district’s middle school enrollment policy is under review and your input is important! Please come to one of two Community Town Halls next week to learn more about why the policy is being reviewed right now and the current policy alternatives -- with new draft assignment maps for your consideration.There will be plenty of time for questions and input. Middle School Enrollment Policy Town Hall (English) September 28 at 6pm Click Here to Join the Webinar Middle School Enrollment Policy Town Hall (Spanish) September 29 at 6pm Click Here to Join the Webinar These meetings will be recorded and posted on the BUSD YouTube channel. . To learn more about the review and community engagement process, visit BUSD’s dedicated middle school enrollment policy webpage, where you can also preview the current policy alternatives and maps in English and Spanish. The middle school enrollment policy has not been reviewed since 1994. The Board recently extended the review timeline into 2022 to allow for more opportunities for community engagement. There will be a possible Board decision about a policy change in November 2022, with a possible implementation date of August 2023. ___________________________________________________________ Compartan Sus Ideas en los Foros Abiertos Comunitarios sobre las Políticas de Inscripción en la Escuela Secundaria los días 28 y 29 de septiembre La política de inscripción en la escuela secundaria de BUSD se encuentra bajo revisión ¡y su aporte es importante! Por favor, vengan a uno de los Foros Abiertos Comunitarios la semana entrante para saber más acerca de por qué la política está siendo sujeta a revisión en este momento y las actuales alternativas para la política – con nuevos borradores de mapas de asignación para su consideración. Habrá abundante tiempo para preguntas y aportes. Reunión Town Hall acerca de la Política de Inscripción a la Escuela Secundaria (Inglés) 28 de septiembre a las 6pm Enlace (link) para el Webinar Reunión Town Hall acerca de la Política de Inscripción a la Escuela Secundaria (Español) 29 de septiembre a las 6pm Enlace (link) para el Webinar Estas reuniones serán grabadas y colgadas en el canal YouTube de BUSD. . Para aprender más acerca del proceso de revisión y participación comunitaria, visite el portal dedicado a la política de inscripción en la escuela secundaria de BUSD, donde también podrá visualizar las actuales alternativas políticas y mapas en inglés y español. La política de inscripción para la escuela secundaria no ha sido actualizada desde 1994. El Consejo prorrogó recientemente el cronograma hasta 2022 para permitir más oportunidades para la participación comunitaria. Habrá una posible decisión del Consejo acerca de un cambio de política en noviembre de 2022, con una posible fecha de implementación del 2023 de agosto.

YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Many people have still not picked up LAST YEAR'S yearbook. If you are one of them, you can come pick yours up from the main office from secretary Joann Marshall on Wednesdays, from 2:30-4:00. Jacob Dalton

COVID Testing We will begin having testing on campus on Fridays 8:45am to 12pm COVID testing will begin on the school campus this week. Please complete this Primary Health registration form so your student can be tested during surveillance testing or tested for a modified quarantine. To avoid quarantine at home, your child will need to be tested twice weekly during the quarantine period. This testing must take place at school, and BUSD will not be able to accept outside test results because of the complexity of tracking testing information. The testing schedule can be found here. Be sure to complete your registration on Primary Health by clicking and confirming on the email or text sent to confirm your information after you have registered. Our goal is to have at least 80% of our students tested each week. Please take a moment and give consent.

Seeking recycled items for art projects Hello! I am collecting items for future/upcoming art projects. If you have any of these things and want to get rid of them, please leave them in the office in a bag labelled with my name (MS PAIGE) Medium or small, sturdy boxes - like the boxes that iphones and other electronics come in or Altoid tins, cigar boxes etc. No cereal boxes or kleenex boxes - they need to be a bit more substantial. Laundry detergent bottles - especially big, bright colorful ones, like Tide. The ones that you may feel guilty using up and tossing into the recycling bin (I do!) Colorful lids from plastic drink containers and other brightly colored plastic items, such as kitchenware, lightweight plastic toys. Also - if you have any coloring/art activity books at home that you no longer use, I would love to use those too. Thank you! Louise Paige, King Art Teacher

Infinite Campus Infinite Campus info page and FAQs Make sure to bookmark the Campus Portal Address, so that you can return to it later or you can download the Campus Parent App in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. For a video tutorial on creating your account and logging in to this system, click here.  Please email any questions to Register for sessions by providing an e-mail address here

The City of Berkeley, in partnership with BUSD, is offering a free COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Berkeley Technology Academy on Wednesday, September 29. This clinic is open to anyone in the community. Appointments to receive the second vaccine are on Wednesday, October 20. Walk-ins are accepted, but you can save time by registering at this link. A parent/guardian or a responsible adult must accompany any student under age 16. Please print and sign this consent form for students. Consent Form to Treat a Minor Consentimiento Para El Tratamiento De Un Menor COVID-19 vaccination is an important risk mitigation strategy and helps to keep our schools open and our community safe. Location: Berkeley Technology Academy, 2701 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley Time: 1:30pm - 6:30pm


BUSD Ed Hub Info Click Here


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