November 5, 2021
King Families,
I apologize to those who are receiving multiple messages tonight and for the lengthy email with information.
Next week we have a School Site Council meeting on Monday at 6pm. The Zoom link and agenda will be posted on the calendar link.
There is a PTA meeting on Tuesday night at 6:30PM followed by parent education event. This is the first in a 4 part series.
Join Us for the 1st of the 4 Series Anti-Racism Sessions with Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard
Session I: The Purpose of US Schools; Tuesday 11/9/21 7p – 8:30p – following the PTA Meeting
This engaging 1.5 hour session will present the four background elements that built the purpose of schools in the US: Colonization, Anti-Blackness, Capitalism, and Segregation. The facilitator will also begin a conversation around Brown v. Board of Education and its unintended consequences.
There is no school on Thursday so 7th and 8th graders will have their 1st, 3rd and 5th period classes on Wednesday instead.
Please review bicycle safety with your students. Many of them are darting into traffic without stooping for cars. And please, please, please slow down and drive safely. I have seen too many very near accidents in front of school.
There is a volunteer opportunity this weekend to come to King to help rip up the lawn to prepare for the tree planting on Nov 19th. For more details, see the email sent out on Thursday, November 4 sent out via the school messenger from Principal Levenson.
Vision Screening for all 8th graders and any student with an IEP will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Friday during PE classes. Any student with independent PE will also get their eye exam.
The progress reporting period ends on Friday so be sure your student is caught up on assignments. Progress reports will be mailed at the end of the following week.
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour and have a great weekend!