October 25, 2021
Check out the PTA calendar for more events and details
Oct 26-28: Minimum Days Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct 28th: BUSD Latinx Event 7-8:30 PM
Oct 29th: No School
Nov 1st: Picture Retake Day
Nov 1st-5th: Zero Waste Week
Nov 11th-14th: Mrs. Dalloway's Fundraiser
Parent/Teacher Conferences (minimum day schedule)
Zero Waste Week Coming Soon
Mrs. Dalloway's 13th Annual King Fundraiser
RSVP Upcoming Parent Ed
COVID Testing *NEW* M-F 2pm to 4:30pm@Berkeley Adult School
Infinite Campus FAQ
Campus Portal Address
BUSD Ed Hub Info Click Here
COVID Testing
Berkeley Unified School District COVID-19 Safety Plan 2021-2022 School Year
BUSD Calendar Click Here
The City of Berkeley has provided these resources to help families understand the COVID-19 quarantine and isolation protocols: When Your Child has COVID-19 Symptoms Student Close Contact Decision Tree for K-12 Schools When Your Unvaccinated Child is a Close Contact When Your Vaccinated Child is a Close Contact When Your Child Tests Positive for COVID-19
Minimum Day Schedule
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Tues, Oct 26: Minimum day with 12:20 release (grab and go lunch provided). 1st, 3rd, and 5th period classes for 7th and 8th graders Wed, Oct 27: Minimum day with 12:20 release (grab and go lunch provided). 2nd, 4th, and 6th period classes for 7th and 8th graders Thurs, Oct 28: Minimum day with 12:20 release (grab and go lunch provided) All period day for everyone. Fri, Oct 29: No School
Latin X Heritage Month Event:
As we conclude Latinx Heritage Month, we hope that you’ll join us on Thursday October 28th at 7:00pm for a Zoom panel entitled ¡Berkeley, Escucha, Estamos en la lucha!, hosted by School Board Director Ana Vasudeo. Berkeley, Escucha, Estamos en la Lucha! Uplifting Our Legacies of Resilience & Resistance Thursday, October 28th • 7:00-8:30pm Virtual Event on Zoom: bit.ly/3AA9bfT Speakers Include: Jesse Arreguín | Mayor of Berkeley Dr. Angélica Garcia | Berkeley City College Cati V. de los Ríos | UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education Latinx Parents and Students In celebration of Latinx History Month, join us for a panel discussion followed by Q&A. Panelists will explore the meaning of Latinidad in our classrooms and how we can teach with Latinx student success at the forefront. We will hear testimonios from our comunidad to better understand the lived experience of Latinx educators, students, and families. In addition, we will discuss why enhancing the climate and culture in our schools not only benefits Latinx students but all students. This event will provide an opportunity to learn more—directly from BUSD’s Latinx community—what this month is meant to honor. This event is held in partnership with Berkeley Unified School District and Latinos Unidos de Berkeley. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A medida que concluimos con el Mes de la Herencia Latinx, esperamos que usted nos acompañe el jueves 28 de octubre a las 7:00pm para un panel Zoom titulado ¡Berkeley, Escucha, Estamos en la Lucha!, anfitriona, Directora del School Board Ana Vasudeo. Berkeley, Escucha, Estamos en la Lucha! Levantando Nuestros Legados de Resiliencia y Resistencia Jueves, 28 de octubre • 7:00-8:30pm Evento Virtual en Zoom: bit.ly/3AA9bfT Oradores: Jesse Arreguín | Alcalde de la Ciudad Berkeley Dr. Angélica Garcia | Berkeley City College Cati V. de los Ríos | Facultad de Postgrado en Educación, UC Berkeley Padres y Estudiantes Latinx Para celebrar el Mes de la Historia Latinx, acompáñenos a una mesa redonda seguida de PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS. Los panelistas explorarán el significado de la “Latinidad” en nuestros salones de clase y cómo le podemos enseñar a los estudiantes Latinx el éxito en primera instancia. Escucharemos testimonios de nuestra comunidad para entender mejor la experiencia vivida por los educadores, estudiantes y familias Latinx. Además, conversaremos acerca de por qué el mejorar el entorno y la cultura en nuestras escuelas no sólo beneficia a los estudiantes Latinx sino a todos los estudiantes. Este evento ofrecerá una oportunidad para aprender más -directamente de la comunidad Latinx de BUSD- lo que este mes pretende honrar. Este evento se realiza en colaboración con Berkeley Unified School District y Latinos Unidos de Berkeley.
Upcoming Parent Education Series 11/9/21 7p-8:30p Session I: The Purpose of US Schools Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard RSVP 1/11/22 7p-8:30p Session II: Critical Race Theory: What is it, and why are people so upset? Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard RSVP 2/8/22 7p-8:30p Session III: Whiteness & Caste: The racial pyramid on which US culture is based Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard RSVP 5/10/22 7p-8:30p Session IV: Anti-blackness and the silencing of Black children and adults in school Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard RSVP
Zero Waste Week Coming Soon Help the District achieve our zero waste goals! Preparations are underway for a District-wide Zero Waste Week. Join us in learning about the impact of our waste and how you can be part of the solution from November 1st to the 5th. Learn how you can participate and check out your school's diversion rate here! -- Sofia Peltz Sustainability Program Coordinator Berkeley Unified School District https://www.berkeleyschools.net/sustainability/
COVID Testing We will begin having testing on campus on Fridays 8:45am to 12pm Please complete this Primary Health registration form so your student can be tested during surveillance testing or tested for a modified quarantine. To avoid quarantine at home, your child will need to be tested twice weekly during the quarantine period. This testing must take place at school, and BUSD will not be able to accept outside test results because of the complexity of tracking testing information. The testing schedule can be found here. Be sure to complete your registration on Primary Health by clicking and confirming on the email or text sent to confirm your information after you have registered. ****NEW**** BUSD is also introducing a new COVID testing kiosk that will operate Monday-Friday from 2:00 - 4:30 in the back parking lot of the Berkeley Adult School. This kiosk is open to BUSD students and staff who are concerned about having a COVID symptom and want to be tested with a free, supervised rapid antigen test. No appointment is necessary. If you haven’t already done so, please complete this Primary Health registration form so your student can be tested at school.
Mrs. Dalloway's 13th Annual
School Benefit Fundraiser
Thursday-Sunday, November 11-14
Gift Certificates only. Online only. All day. All night. 4 days!
How it works:
Purchase gift certificates online from Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore during our 4-day fundraiser, November 11-14, and Mrs. Dalloway’s will donate 15% of your purchase to King. No in-store sales will count towards the school fundraiser.
Purchase as many gift certificates as you want, in any denomination, and redeem either online or in person.
Mrs. Dalloway's keeps a digital record of all gift certificates, and they never expire.
Spread the word to your friends, neighbors, and out-of-town family. Anyone anywhere can participate and support our school.
In order for your purchase to be counted, YOU MUST ENTER King Middle School IN THE ORDER COMMENTS FIELD at the bottom of the Checkout page.
Gift certificates MUST be purchased between November 11-14.
Click HERE to purchase gift certificates! Mrs. Dalloway's School Fundraiser is an easy and safe way to raise money for our school! Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your gift card to be available. Questions? Contact info@mrsdalloways.com
Questions? Contact info@mrsdalloways.com
YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Many people have still not picked up LAST YEAR'S yearbook. If you are one of them, you can come pick yours up from the main office from secretary Joann Marshall on Wednesdays, from 2:30-4:00. Jacob Dalton jacobdalton@berkeley.net
BUSD Ed Hub Info Click Here